Help contribute
The toolkit is still growing and for it to be a success we need people to help us create and share content. We are always looking for people keen on contributing.
El toolkit está creciendo y para tener éxito necesitamos gente que nos ayude a crear y compartir contenidos. Siempre buscamos personas con ánimo de contribuir.
Help contribute
The toolkit is still growing and for it to be a success we need people to help us create and share content. We are always looking for people keen on contributing.
Teaching materials
If you have ever taught astronomy using data science techniques or you are a data scientist who has used astronomy examples to teach data science, please consider sharing your teaching materials. You can either directly contribute to github or send us the materials directly via email.
Material educativo
Si alguna vez has enseñado astronomía utilizando ciencia de datos o eres un científico de datos que ha usado ejemplos de astronomía para enseñar ciencia de datos, por favor considera la opción de compartir tu material educativo. Puedes contribuir directamente en github or enviarnos el material directamente por e-mail.
Teaching materials
If you have ever taught astronomy using data science techniques or you are a data scientist who has used astronomy examples to teach data science, please consider sharing your teaching materials. You can either directly contribute to github or send us the materials directly via email.
Few Astronomy summer schools and extra-curricular programmes use any form of assessment. This deprives students of the opportunity to both experience and demonstrate their achievements; and doesn't allow the ability to show others that they achieved what they intended. The toolkit strives towards providing high quality pre- and post-assessments.
Pocas escuelas de verano o programas extracurriculares de astronomía utilizan alguna forma de evaluación. Esto priva a los estudiantes de la oportunidad de experimentar y demostrar sus avances, además de dificultar el compartir la relación entre logros y objetivos con terceras personas. Este toolkit pretende ofrecer pre- y post-evaluaciones de gran calidad.
Few Astronomy summer schools and extra-curricular programmes use any form of assessment. This deprives students of the opportunity to both experience and demonstrate their achievements; and doesn't allow the ability to show others that they achieved what they intended. The toolkit strives towards providing high quality pre- and post-assessments.
Coding and Content
This website has been created using a lot of different tools: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, Shell, JavaScript and Python. If you have experience in any of these tools or perhaps would like to improve the content on this website please help contribute. The entire website can be found here.
Código y Contenido
Este sitio web ha sido creado utilizando múltiples herramientas de programación: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, Shell, JavaScript y Python. Si posees experiencia en cualquiera de estas herramientas o quizás desees mejorar el contenido del sitio web, no dudes en contribuir. El sitio web al completo está disponible aquí.
Coding and Content
This website has been created using a lot of different tools: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, Shell, JavaScript and Python. If you have experience in any of these tools or perhaps would like to improve the content on this website please help contribute. The entire website can be found here.